Table of Contents

For Parents/Guardians: Creating and Managing Your Account and Linking to Students

Creating a Parent Account

Scoir gives parents/guardians a unique window into their student’s college journey through the Scoir Parent Experience.

Need help getting started in your account? Read the walkthrough guide!

How do I create a parent/guardian account?

Parent/guardian accounts can be created by receiving an invite from either your student or their high school, or by creating one on your own.

If you’re joining Scoir via a student invite:

If you've been invited to join Scoir by your student and do not currently have a parent account, follow the link in the invite email you've received to get started.

If you’re joining Scoir via a high school invite:

If you’ve been invited to join Scoir by your student’s high school and do not currently have a parent account, follow the link in the invite email you’ve received to get started.

If you're joining Scoir on your own:

If you'd like to create a Scoir account on your own and have not already been invited by your student or their high school, visit

  1. Choose the Parent/Guardian tile.
  1. Enter your email and click Continue.
  1. If a high school is associated with your email, you'll be prompted to link your account to your student's high school. This will allow you to collaborate more closely with your student and receive updates from their counselor!
    Click Accept or Reject to accept or reject the link to the high school(s) listed.

  1. Check your inbox to activate your account.

  1. In your inbox, open the verification email from Scoir and click Verify Email.
  2. Enter your login credentials; be sure to take note of the email address you used for your account, to avoid creating duplicate accounts in the future.
    Click Log In when complete.

How do I link to my student(s)?

Before linking to your student, ask your student what email they use with Scoir. This is very important in order to ensure you link to the correct account.

If you are joining Scoir via a high school invite or a student invite (steps above), you will be linked to your student once you complete the steps to create your account.

If you would like to link to your student(s) after creating your Parent account, you can do so either through your Dashboard or your Profile.

Linking to Your Student From Your Dashboard
  1. Upon logging in, click the + Invite Student button on your Dashboard.
  2. Ask your student what email they use with Scoir. This is very important in order to ensure you link to the correct account.
  3. Enter your student's first name, last name, and Scoir-associated email address. Then click Invite.
    A request to link will be sent to your student; once they accept, you will be linked to your student in Scoir!

Linking to Your Student From Your Profile
  1. Navigate to your Profile by clicking the Me icon in the top right corner.
  2. Under Students, click + Invite Student.
  3. Ask your student what email they use with Scoir. This is very important in order to ensure you link to the correct account.
  4. Enter your student's first name, last name, and Scoir-associated email address. Then click Invite.

A request to link will be sent to your student; once they accept, you will be linked to your student in Scoir!

Updating Your Email Address

Want to log into your existing Scoir account with a different email address? No problem! To update the email address used for your Scoir account, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Scoir account on
  2. Click on the Profile tab and click on your name.

  1. Within your Personal Details, under Account, you will see the email addresses associated with your account, as well as your Primary email (which is the email address you'll use to log into Scoir).
    If you already have an alternate email address in your account, you can make that email address your Primary one by clicking Make Primary.
    To update or edit this email address, click the pencil icon in the top right corner of the Account section.
  2. Here, you can view your Primary email, edit or delete alternate emails, and choose your communication preferences. Make your desired changes and click Done.

Deleting Your Parent/Guardian Account

To delete your Parent/Guardian Profile, first click on the Profile tab on the top right corner of your portal.

Next, click Delete Account at the bottom of the dropdown.

You will then be prompted to confirm your email address before successfully deleting your account.

parent, dashboard

How did we do?

For Parents/Guardians: Changing your email address
