For Counselors: How do students and parents know that a survey was sent?

When a counselor sends a survey via Scoir, it’s important that students and parents know about it right away and can access it easily. Learn how Scoir keeps everyone in the loop and where to find the surveys.

If a parent or guardian has a Scoir account linked to a student from a previous class year (e.g., a student from the class of 2022) but hasn’t linked to their current student (e.g., class of 2024), they need to log in to Scoir, go to the "My Students" tab, and accept their new student. Until they do this, they won’t receive any surveys for their current student.

Notification methods

In-App Notification: Students and parents will get a notification in the Scoir platform when they are sent a survey. To access the notification, they can click on Inbox and go to the Notifications tab. The notification includes a link that leads directly to the survey.

Email Notification: Students and parents will also receive an automated email containing a link to the survey. This ensures they can access the survey even if they're not logged into Scoir at the time.

Only one notification per survey will be sent to recipients letting them know a survey is available in Scoir. 

Other ways students and parents can access surveys

Dashboard: Both parents and students have a "Keep Track of Surveys" section on their dashboard. It lists their surveys along with their status. They can just click on a survey to get started or check out the details.

Me: They can also access surveys by clicking on Me and selecting Surveys from the dropdown. This takes them to a page with all the surveys sent to them.

 Scoir mobile app: You can encourage students and parents/guardians to download our Scoir mobile application (on iOS); That way, if students or parents with the app are not logged into Scoir at the time a communication is sent out, they will receive a push notification through the app.

For more information about what notifications students receive in Scoir, please visit this HelpDoc.

counselor, communication, surveys

How did we do?

For Counselors: Viewing Survey results

For Counselors: Creating brag sheets in Scoir
