For Counselors: Edit student profiles

​​Scoir is more than an administrative system; it's a data intelligence platform. The more accurate and comprehensive the information you have, the more insights you will gain to improve the college admissions process for your current and future students.​

Note: If your school uses Clever to import student data, you won't be able to manually edit existing student information. Instead, this data is pulled directly from your school's Student Information System (SIS) through Clever. To apply any updates made in the SIS, use the Sync button to re-sync the latest changes.

To update or correct a student's information, navigate to their profile page. In the Overview section, use the pencil icon to edit personal details, add labels, or assign the student to a counselor.

 To change a student's GPA, scroll down to the "Academic Overview" section and click Edit in the GPA box. Make sure to click Save to apply your changes.

You can also manage standardized test information in the "Academic Overview" section.

To add a new test score, click +Add Test in the top right, select the test type, and enter the scores.The following test types are available: SAT, SAT (2400), ACT, PreACT, SAT2, PSAT, AP, TOEFL (IBT/PBT)

To edit an existing test score, click Show Details to view all recorded tests. Then, select the test date to open a dialog box where you can update the scores. If you need to remove a test score, simply click Delete within the dialog box. Once you've made your changes, click Update to save them.


profile, overview, info, roster




How did we do?

For Counselors: My student has a Scoir account but I can't see their data

For Counselors: Student transferring high schools
