Table of Contents

For Counselors: Adding & Filtering Parents

Counselors can easily add parents to student records in Scoir, either individually or by importing a parent file in bulk. This guide will show you how to add and invite parents to student records and how to filter parents in the roster, giving you full control over the process.

Adding Parents

You can add parents directly from a student profile or the parent roster. We'll walkthrough both options below.

From a Student's Profile:

  1. Navigate to a student's profile
  2. In the Personal Details section, locate the "Parents" section and click +Invite a Parent
Invite parent from student profile
  1. In the dialog box, search for the parent's name if they are already in Scoir to connect them to the student. Otherwise, click Add a New Parent
  2. Enter the parent's information. Note: The parent email must be unique and cannot be used by another parent in your school
  3. Click Save if you're not ready to send an invite yet, or Invite to send the invitation immediately

From the Parent Roster:

  1. Go to Students > Parents
  2. Click +Invite a Parent
Adding a parent from the parent roster
  1. Enter the parent's information, ensuring the email is unique and not already used by another parent in your school
  2. Click Save if you're not ready to send an invite yet, or Invite to send the invitation immediately
Please note: Only parents linked to the high school in Scoir will receive surveys and email communications created by the high school in Scoir. Check if the parent is marked as Registered in Scoir on the Counselor Portal. If not, they're not linked to your school and need to be invited. Any status other than Registered indicates the parent is not linked to the school.

students, parents, explore

Filtering Parents in the Roster  

  1. Access the Parent Roster by navigating to Students > Parents.
  2. Click on Filters to access the available options.
  3. Use the filters to refine your search by Class Years, Registration Status, Roster Status, Last Login, and Students.
What does the "Roster Status" filter show?
The Roster Status filter gives you two options: Rostered and Pending.

When filtering by 'Rostered', you’ll see parents/guardians who have been added to the Parent Roster by a counselor or sent an invite to link to the high school after a pending review of a student invite.

The 'Pending' filter shows parents/guardians who have been invited to Scoir, but are not yet linked to the high school. Counselors can choose to send an invite to invite them to the high school, or ignore.

How did we do?

For Counselors: Troubleshooting Parent Linking Issues
