For Parents/Guardians: Viewing your Student’s College List

If you are not yet linked to your student(s) or their high school(s), follow these steps.

Your Student’s College List can be displayed by clicking on the Profile tab at the top of the page.

Then, click on your student's name, and then on Colleges & Applications:


College List Overview

The College List is broken into four lanes: Suggested, Following, Applying and Applied. 

The status of the college list is updated every time your student takes an action and moves the college between columns accordingly.

Makeup of a College Card

Clicking on a College card displays college logo, college name and location. There will be a blue button at the top to navigate to the college details page with more data on that college. 

Application Status

Here you can find the status of the student's application and whether application was submitted to the college. Additionally, you can also see the outcome.


Application Overview

Displayed are some key statistics about the college, including admissions rate, # of undergraduate students, and average SAT and ACT score.

You can also access a Scattergram, which is a visually depiction of historical admissions decisions using previous students' GPAs and SAT/ACT scores. Scattergrams are intended to provide a guidepost to gauge likelihood of acceptance and are not intended to be a definitive predictor of admission. Learn more about Scattergrams in Scoir here.



Student activity is shown by a date stamp.


profile, colleges




How did we do?

For Parents/Guardians: Searching for Colleges

For Parents/Guardians: Viewing College Profiles
