Supporting your students

For Parents/Guardians: View your student’s college list

Learn how to access and manage your student’s college list in Scoir.


For Parents: View your student’s college list in a data table format

View your student's My Colleges list in table format, customize the display

Cristina Hernandez
Updated by Cristina Hernandez

For Parents/Guardians: Suggesting colleges to your student

Parents have the ability to suggest colleges to their students. Suggested colleges appear in the Suggested column of the student’s My Colleges page.* How do I suggest a college to my student?. To sug…


For Parents/Guardians: Unsuggesting a college for my student

To remove a suggested college from your student's account, click on Profile tab at the top of your Scoir portal and select your student. Next, go to Colleges & Applications > My Colleges. Under the S…


For Parents/Guardians: View and simulate your student’s Predictive Chances

Learn how Predictive Chances provide insights into college applications by offering personalized acceptance predictions. Use simulation tools to help students navigate their options and make informed decisions.

Cristina Hernandez
Updated by Cristina Hernandez

For Parents: View and manage your student’s Drive

This guide provides parents with the steps to view, add, and take action on files and links in your student’s Drive, keeping you connected to their academic progress and important resources.


For Parents/Guardians: Digitally signing your student's early decision contract

What Is Early Decision (ED)? Early decision (ED) is a binding agreement, where the student indicates to the college that upon acceptance they will attend that school. This is a good choice if they kn…


How parents can sign the FERPA release

Learn how parents and guardians can sign the FERPA release through Scoir, either from the parent dashboard or their student's profile.

Cristina Hernandez
Updated by Cristina Hernandez
