Table of Contents

Adding and removing counselors and other staff to Scoir

Please Note: Counselors and Staff can only be added by someone with the Account Administrator Role​

Individually Adding Faculty and Staff

To add a single member of the team, first go to the "Users" menu

From the Users menu, use the button to enter the user's information and choose which roles they will have access to. For a more detail description of each role, click on the arrow to expand the role box

If your school has already enabled the Documents functionality, you'll be able to invite the staff member or teacher to register by checking the "Send email invite immediately?" option.


If your school does not yet have the Documents functionality enabled, you can create the staff member or teacher account but you will not be able to invite the staff member or teacher to register until Documents in enabled. You can request to enable this feature at the top of the Account Settings page.  

Bulk Importing Faculty and Staff

  1. Download the attached CSV template file found here: scoir-import-users-template.csv or export a teacher/counselor list from your SIS (Student Information System)
Please be mindful of the formatting requirements for each data field and be sure not to overwrite or change the field names (i.e. column headers). Capitalization and underscores matter and should match exactly.
  1. Copy the relevant teacher data into the appropriate corresponding columns of the template, and save as a .csv OR, use your SIS faculty file that you downloaded. Be sure to ensure the required fields are included
NOTE: THE REQUIRED FIELDS MUST BE COMPLETED (first_name, last_name, email) 
  1. Navigate to Data Management, Staff and Upload the file.

  1. Map The User Data that is provided in your file to the corresponding field in Scoir. Once all required fields are mapped, Choose Continue to complete the upload


Editing and Deleting Faculty & Staff

  1. Navigate to the Users tab, under the Welcome Drop Down Menu on the right:
  1. To the right of each faculty member is an Edit/Roles/Delete button. If your school is utilizing Clever or ClassLink to auto-roster your staff, you will not see all of these options. Delete is not an option unless the user is no longer found in Clever or ClassLink.
If you are attempting to remove a counselor, who is assigned to any 'current year students' you will need to reassign them to another counselor before they can be removed from Scoir.
Depending on your display settings, this may be hidden to the right and you may need to scroll down and over to view this section. Please take caution in deletion, this is permanent.
  1. Edit or delete as needed staff as needed



How-To Video

counselor, users

How did we do?

Users Page Overview

Inviting Faculty and Staff
