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Using Scoir: A quick start guide for middle school counselors

Cristina Hernandez Updated by Cristina Hernandez

Middle school counselors, please note that your access and visibility into certain features might differ compared to high school counselors'. Although the resources linked throughout this article are aimed at different audiences, they still offer valuable insights that can help you familiarize yourself with Scoir.

Welcome to Scoir – your student guidance platform. We're here to simplify counseling by offering a centralized space for interaction and planning with students. To get started, log into your counselor account and check out the guide below for a quick tour.

For quicker navigation, use the table of contents on the right to jump to a specific section 👉

Middle school navigation
  1. Dashboard 
    Dashboard is where you'll access actionable insights about your students and see everything you need at a glance.
  2. Students
    Students is where you oversee and manage your student roster. Add students and view their profiles, send emails, manage assignments, and more. Customize your roster by applying filters, adjusting columns, and sorting preferences. Save your preferences with Views for quick access and easily export all customized information. Learn more
  3. Comms
    Comms provides access to the Email Center for all things email management. Draft, schedule, and monitor messages easily. You can also track email statuses, authors, and recipients, and edit or delete messages before sending. Learn more
  4. Assignments
    Assignments is where you can create, assign, and manage student tasks to keep everyone organized and on track. You can also build forms and include them as part of tasks. Students view and complete tasks from their dashboard, getting notified when their counselor assigns new ones. Learn more
  5. Discover
    Discover is where you can explore career and colleges. Learn more about colleges by browsing the Programs they offer or exciting content created by them in Posts. Customize your search with filtering and sorting options for a personalized experience. Learn more
To modify settings or add/remove staff users, you need the Account Administrator role.

  1. School Settings
    School Settings is where you can customize your school’s account by displaying school photos in student profiles, setting up your school email domain, and organizing student and school data with custom properties and groups. Learn more
  2. Data Management
    In Data Management you can upload student data such as your roster and school photos. You also have the option to upload any other data you wish to include in your account.  Learn more
  3. Users
    Go to Users to add and manage staff members and edit their roles. Learn more
  4. Search
    Click the search bar to search for colleges and students in Scoir.

Search, Message Center, and Notifications

Using Scoir - Message Center
  1. Message Center

    Click to access the Message Center, where you can communicate with counselors and review message history.

  2. Notifications

    Click to access updates on student invitations, email center messages, counselor assignments, and other important notifications. A badge will display when you have unread notifications.

Your Profile

Using Scoir - Profile dropdown displaying Personal Profile and Support as options

  1. Personal Profile
    Select Personal Profile to easily update your title, contact details, notification preferences, account email, or reset your password. Learn more
  2. Support
    Click on Support to access our Help Center, where you can find articles to help answer your questions.

Understanding your students’ Scoir experience

We know how helpful it is for teachers and counselors to thoroughly understand the student experience when using any resource, including Scoir. We'll walk you through exactly what your students will find on Scoir below.

How do my students get started on Scoir?

Before inviting your students, we recommend informing them about Scoir. We've prepared a template for you to personalize and share with your school.

Middle schoolers can only join Scoir via a Counselor-invite email. After setting a password and logging in, they land on the homepage displaying any assignments. From there, they can explore careers, colleges, and programs in Discover or build out their profile in Me.

How can I view my student’s Scoir experience?

While Scoir does not allow counselors to shadow their students, we understand that there are times when a counselor may need access to an account to see what the student side of the platform is like. Learn how to create a student demo account here.

Additional resources

We hope this guide was useful in getting you started on Scoir. Here are some additional resources to help manage your account and support students at every stage of their journey.

Although these resources are aimed at different audiences, they still offer valuable insights that can help you familiarize yourself with Scoir.


Inviting Students

For Counselors: Student Roster Overview

Career & college exploration

For Students: Discover Careers

For Students: Discover Programs

For Parents/Guardians: Searching for Colleges

Email management

For Counselors: The Email Center

For Counselors: Sending and Scheduling Emails


For Counselors: Create and Assign Student Tasks

For Counselors: Using Forms

For Students: Access and Complete Your Assignments

School settings

Setting Up and Enabling Advanced Email

For Counselors: Custom Properties & Property Groups

Data management

Bulk Add/Update StudentsBulk

Add/Update School Photos

Staff users & roles

Users Page Overview

Profile management

For Counselors: Managing Your Account

How did we do?

For Counselors: Creating a Demo Student Account
