For Parents/Guardians: The Scoir mobile app - Colleges

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The Colleges tab shows schools your student has marked as ones where they are Following, Applying, or have already Applied. You can also view the colleges that have been Suggested to your student, either by you, another parent/guardian, or their counselor.

In order to see your student's information, you must be linked to your student in Scoir—here is how to do so. Before linking, be sure to ask your student what email they use with Scoir.

To navigate the Colleges tab, scroll along the top menu to select Suggested, Following, Applying, or Applied.


Schools that have been suggested to your student by you, another parent/guardian or their counselor. Students will be able to follow or dismiss these colleges, which will add them to Following or Not Interested, respectively.


Schools your student has marked as following. Students can move colleges in this state to Not Interested, Applying, and Applied.


Schools your student has marked as Applying. College tiles in the Applying column will display deadline information pertaining to your student's chosen application type.


Schools your student has marked as Applied. College tiles in the Applied column will display application outcome information pertaining to your student's chosen application type.

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