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For Counselors: College Selectivity Levels & Student Match Levels overview

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College Selectivity filters and labels are seen throughout Scoir based on a college’s defined Selectivity Level. When a student's Match Level is assigned and you're not using Intelligent Match for a student, Scoir calculates their Acceptance Likelihood for each college by comparing the assigned Student Match Level with the College Selectivity Level.

This guide explains the key concepts, how to customize College Selectivity levels, and how to assign Match Levels.

Key Concepts:

Acceptance Likelihood: A generalized value (i.e. Reach/Level/Likely) of acceptance chance assigned for each college relevant to the student profile.

Student Match Level: A value assigned to a student based on their academic profile performance (i.e. Most Selective, Very Selective, etc), and helps determine their Acceptance Likelihood if Intelligent Match is not being used for the student. It can be manually set by a counselor.

College Selectivity Level: A calculated value (i.e. Most Selective, Highly Selective, etc) using institutional characteristics reported to IPEDS, including admission rate, yield, and standardized test scores of admitted students.

Customizing College Selectivity Levels

If you know specific colleges that match differently to the Selectivity tags shown, you can customize the level. 

Note: Students cannot customize a college’s Selectivity Level. 

Go to Discover > Colleges, or search for specific colleges using the search bar.

Click Customize on the college card or on the College Details Page

Select a new level from the dropdown and Save. Anywhere the level is shown will be updated for the college after making this change.

Editing College Selectivity Labels

Change the label of the Selectivity Level by going to More > School Settings and scroll down to College Lists and Acceptance Data.

From there, use the label field to make edits and select the Save icon

Assigning Match Levels to Students

In Scoir, you can assign a Match Level to display a student’s Acceptance Likelihood for colleges. This can be done manually for each student directly from their profile:

  1. Go to Students > Roster and click the student's name to go to their profile
  2. In the Academic Overview section, expand the Student Match Level section and select a level from the list

Students will only see their Acceptance Likelihood, not the Match Level itself.

Once the Match Level is set, Scoir assigns an Acceptance Likelihood to each college. This allows students to filter colleges by Selectivity and Acceptance Likelihood during their search. It also generates a college list score based on the Acceptance Likelihoods calculated from the Match Level.

However, if your school uses Intelligent Match to determine a student’s Acceptance Likelihood, the Match Level will not be used. Intelligent Match takes over in this case.

What if I want to use the Match Level approach instead? To continue using the Match Level approach, add a Match Level to the student’s profile and disable Intelligent Match.

How did we do?

For Counselors: Understanding List Scores

For Counselors: Using Predictive Chances
