Setting your high school student email domain

When you set a student email domain, Scoir can automatically remove school-issued email addresses from the profiles of your seniors when they graduate.

NOTE: You must have the Account Administrator role to set your high school student email domain.

To begin, click on the School Settings menu under the More button drop-down of the Scoir app.

On the Account Settings page, locate the section labeled High School Email Address Domains. This is found under the "School Account Set-up" heading.

To set your student email domain, click on the "Contact Scoir Support to update Email Domain settings" link. Enter your student email domain information into the message text box, then click "Send."

Scoir support will be notified of your high school student email domain and is always ready to assist. Our support team will complete your student email domain configuration, and you will receive a notification by email from once your student email domain has been added.

counselor, my-high-school, account-settings

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Enable Application Materials (Documents)

Setting Up and Enabling Advanced Email
