Table of Contents

For Counselors: Importing Custom Properties

If you have unique custom properties you'd like to bulk upload into Scoir, you can import these from the Data Management tab.

Importing Custom Properties requires the Data Management role in Scoir

Configuring Your Custom Properties File

You can download the import template: scoir.student.template.csv, or export a student file from your student information system. The required fields (Student ID, First Name, Last Name, Class Year, Email, and Birthdate ) will export automatically, and from there you can add your custom properties.

For Single Checkbox Custom Properties, use TRUE/FALSE for automatic mapping. When using Yes/No in the file, you will have to map those values.

Uploading Your Custom Properties File

  1. Once your file is ready, go to More > Data Management
  1. Expand the Student Data list and choose to Upload new file in the Student Roster. Drag and drop your file or upload from your computer
  1. From there, map the columns to the appropriate data point. For Custom Properties that aren't created yet, you can create and map them

Once imported, you'll be able to filter and view Custom Properties in the Student Roster!

Custom Property Import Errors

If you have any errors, you'll see those before proceeding with the import, and you'll have the option to correct them in-line.

If you have minor issues, they'll simply not be imported but all other values that don't have minor issues will be accepted. You'll also get an exported file of what those are so you can resolve them.

How did we do?

For Counselors: Labels Overview

For Counselors: Using Plans
