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For Colleges: Guide to creating and managing Posts, Events, and Programs

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In this guide, we’ll walk you through creating and managing your Premium Presence content. Use the table of contents on the right to jump to a specific section of this article. 👉

Presence is included when you upgrade to Premium Presence. Learn more.

Create Your Content

With Premium Presence, you can create Posts, Events, and Programs to find, engage, and enroll students. Let’s take a look at how to make each of these.

Create a post

Posts are one way students and their parents/guardians can discover your college and the content you create. They facilitate the discovery of the college by prospective students while also nurturing and educating those already familiar with your institution. They also allow you to amplify content that students would otherwise need to search for within the College Profiles.

To create a Post:

  1. Navigate to Engage > Presence and scroll to the Content Section.
  2. Click New Content and select Post.
  3. Enter your post details including the title, an accompanying image with optional alt text, a video link (if applicable), and a description.
  4. Choose the post type: Overview, Academics, Admissions, Cost & Aid, or Student Life. This determines the display location and visibility of the post on your profile and in search results.
  5. Select up to five topics to describe your post, choosing from either the Academic Focus or Student Life sections.
  6. To publish, click Save & Publish. Otherwise, select Save as Hidden.
💡 Tips and best practices for your content

Images can be added to the card to help grab the attention of the users and visually display content. Square images work best for grabbing attention and displaying content visually. Use our tool to crop images to square shape if needed. Opt for larger images for clarity; aim for at least 400x400 pixels. Our tool will scale images to fit the card automatically.

The Description of the card allows for rich text including hyperlinks to your school's website.

The Link Field can also be used to draw attention to the most important calls to action. If your link is to a video, e.g YouTube and Vimeo, we will detect that and embed the video directly into the card.

Use Academic Focus and Student Life topics to tailor content to students' indicated interests. These topics are inclusive; the more topics tagged, the broader the audience reached.

Create an event

Events allows your team to create and manage virtual events, information sessions, and more so you can attract best-fit students. An Event can include a range of topics of interest to students or simply be a way for your college to connect with them virtually.

To create an Event:

  1. Navigate to Engage > Presence and scroll to the Content Section.
  2. Click New Content and select Event.
  3. Enter your event details including title, an accompanying image, event recurrence, date and time, and a description.
  4. Select whether this will be an In-Person or Virtual event and enter the location and registration link.
  5. Choose up to five topics that describe what your post is about. You can select from the Academic Focus or Student Life sections.
  6. To publish, click Save & Publish. Otherwise, select Save as Hidden.

Create a program

Programs allow your team to create and share upcoming summer, pre-college, and other programs offered by your institution, so you can attract best-fit students. Students can then discover and register for your Program directly on Scoir.

To create a Program:

  1. Navigate to Engage > Presence and scroll to the Content Section.
  2. Click New Content and select Program.
  3. Enter your event details such as title, image, the season of the event, run dates and duration, a description, and the program website/application URL.
  4. Choose between In-Person or Virtual event options, specify the location, and indicate if room and board will be provided.
  5. Indicate if this event offers credits and select up to five Academic Focuses that best describe it.
  6. Describe the application process and deadline, and choose the eligible current or rising grades at the start of the program.
  7. Include a description of the program's anticipated costs and specify whether financial aid and scholarships are accessible to students.
  8. To publish, click Save & Publish. Otherwise, select Save as Hidden.

Manage Your Content

After creating content, you can filter, sort, publish, hide, or delete it. Let's guide you through each option.

Filter content

Use these filters to see specific content:

  • Type: Shows all content of a certain type (Post, Event, Program)
  • Topic: Displays all content related to the selected tag(s). The filter menu only includes tags used in your content
  • Status: Filter content by either published or hidden status

Rearrange the order of your content

You have the option to rearrange the order in which your live content is shown on your profile across all content types excluding Events, Programs, and Academics.

To change the order of your content:

  1. Click the Manage Order button.
  2. To view posts within a specific content type, click on that type. You can also choose Expand All to view all posts at once.
  3. Drag & drop the posts to reorder them.
  4. Click Done.

Preview your changes by navigating to the School Profile tab in the main navigation bar.

Events will be sorted by date, Programs will be sorted by the last updated date, and Academic posts will be sorted alphabetically.

The first Overview post will have a “Featured” pin.

Publish / hide your content

All content can be published immediately or hidden to be published at a later date.

To publish or hide content:

  1. Choose the content item(s) you'd like to update by selecting the checkbox to the left of the image. To select all content, click the checkbox in the table header row.
  2. To publish, click Set as Live.
  3. To hide, click Set as Hidden.

You can easily publish or hide content directly from the content table by using the dropdown button located in the Status column.

Edit or delete content

To edit content:

  1. Click on the row of the content item you want to update.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Click Save & Publish or use the switch the toggle at the top from Live to Hidden to Save as Hidden.

To delete content:

  1. Choose the content item(s) you'd like to remove by selecting the checkbox to the left of the image. To select all content, click the checkbox in the table header row.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. If you're sure you want to delete the content item, click Confirm Delete. Otherwise, click Cancel.

How did we do?

For Colleges: Premium Presence overview

For Colleges: Guidelines for college profile header photos
