Can Balanced List Scores be based on just colleges marked as Applying and Applied?

Cristina Hernandez Updated by Cristina Hernandez

Yes! By default, Scoir’s List Score considers colleges a student has marked as Following, Applying, or Applied in Scoir. For high schools that prefer, the score can be adjusted at a time set by the counselor to only include colleges in Applying and Applied.

Only users with the Account Administrator role can adjust this setting.

To adjust Balanced list scoring:

  1. Navigate to More > School Settings.
  2. In Account Settings, scroll down to Balanced List Scoring.
  1. By default, this setting is set to No, meaning List Scores consider all colleges in the Following, Applying, and Applied lists.
  2. To include only Applying and Applied colleges, toggle the setting to Yes.
  3. If you select Yes, you can specify the month and class year when the List Score should transition to this new criteria.
  4. Click Apply Changes to save your settings.

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