Table of Contents

For Colleges: Configuring Slate Integration with Scoir

An updated version of this guide can be found by following the link below:
Integrating Slate with Scoir

How do I set up a Slate integration with Scoir?

Scoir supports the delivery of document batches via SFTP, the approach recommended by Slate for integrations that include a need for document imports. To ease the burden on college admissions staff, Technolutions℠ and Scoir have teamed to simplify the steps required to enable connectivity between systems.

Part 1: Connect Slate and Scoir

Technolutions℠ has preconfigured Source Format and Scoir User templates that can easily be added in your instance of Slate.


STEP 1: Add the ScoirMaterials template

In your Source Format Library, add the ScoirMaterials template. (NOTE: If you already have a DIP import created for Scoir, you will also need to inactivate the existing Source Format prior to using this standardized integration.)



In your Slate Template Library, scroll down to the Users section and add the Scoir Service Account (you’ll need to click “Add” a second time in the pop-up window)


STEP 3: Confirm incoming documents are saved

Login to Scoir, go to the Configure Integrations tab, for Username enter the domain associated with your Slate system (see tips below), and test connectivity.

If you do not yet have a Scoir account, CLICK HERE to create your free account.


STEP 4: Activate your SFTP integration with Slate


Need a test document batch?
Email and request a test document batch for review and mapping.


Part 2:  Map Scoir fields & document types

When you receive your first batch file from Scoir, you will need to finalize mappings in order to complete the import setup process. These steps are completed by completing a Remap of the ScoirMaterials Format Definition in Slate.


STEP 1: Remap ScoirMaterials Source Format Fields & Values

Limited Field Mapping should be necessary, but the defaults should be reviewed. Here is the full list of fields contained in the Index File.

IMPORTANT: If you have configured any materials as school-scoped, you will need to map the CEEB Source Field to Slate’s “School: CEEB Code” Destination.

Scoir Document Types should be associated with your unique Material Codes in the Value Mappings Stage. You can see the full list of Scoir Document Types here.


STEP 2: Complete the setup of your ScoirMaterials Source Format and activate.

Prior to activating, make sure you set the Dedup setting to “Dedupe records within source on first + last + email + birthdate” selection as shown below. This helps ensure multiple student records are not created for one applicant. 

On the General tab, set Remap Active to “Active”. 


STEP 3: Files should now be processed and added to the corresponding students’ records. Confirm that incoming documents are saved to the Materials tab of the associated student records

If the Scoir batch file contains documents for a student not in your system, Slate will create a new student record for that prospective applicant

Part 3: Overview Video on Slate Mapping

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