For Students: The Scoir Mobile App, My Colleges

The my colleges tab shows schools you are following, allow you to view suggested schools, and compare or mark schools as applying or applied.

Top Choices

Top choices is where you can save your favorite and first-choice colleges.

Not Interested

Schools you have once followed or marked as applying but are no longer interested in. Colleges in this state can be moved to Following, Applying, and Applied.


Schools that have been suggested by linked parents or counselors. Schools in this state can be followed or dismissed, which will add them to Following or Not Interested, respectively.


Schools you have marked as following. Colleges in this state can be moved to Not Interested, Applying, and Applied. Colleges can be quickly added to this column by tapping the + button.


Schools you have marked as applying. You will be prompted to provide additional information when adding a college to this column. College tiles in Applying will display deadline information pertaining to your chosen application type. Colleges in this state can be moved to Not Interested, Following, and Applied. Colleges can be quickly added to this column by tapping the + button.


Schools you have marked as applied. You will be prompted to provide additional information when adding a college to this column. College tiles in Applied will display application outcome information pertaining to your chosen application type. Colleges can be quickly added to this column by tapping the + button.

Acceptance Likelihood

You can set the acceptance likelihood of a college in My Colleges by tapping on the Acceptance Likelihood link in the Can I Get In section of the college profile and selecting a choice. These choices are typically reach, level, and likely; however, if you are linked to a high school, your counselor may rename these labels at any time.

If you are linked to a high school, your counselor may have configured acceptance likelihood to only be set by counselors.

Activity Log

A record of all activity regarding a college card can be found in a college card’s details view, including any actions taken by you or your counselor on your behalf.

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