Students - Continuing Apply with Scoir, Essay & More

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Let's continue your Apply with Scoir experience with the Essay & More section!

1. Are you in a quiet place where you cannot be disturbed?

2. Is your cell phone turned off so you don't get distracted?

3. Are you ready to focus on completing your application for your college? This needs your full attention.

Great! Now that your Personal, Family & Education sections are finished, let's complete the Essay & More section. This is a thoughtful section to complete. This is what we will run through.

If you are returning to your Apply with Scoir application and need to quickly get to the Essay & More section, click on this by navigating to the left side and clicking Education.

Essay - this is where students will add their essay. This is a thoughtful piece of your application and will require a selection of a topic for your essay. A few items to note before you begin. Additionally, any notes from the college may be added here for more information in completing your essay!

1. We do recommend writing this in Word or another word processing system that will allow spell-check and/or grammar check to ensure there are no errors, then pasting this into Scoir

2. There is a requirement of 250 word count minimum on the essay as required by colleges, but no maximum limit word count.

3. We do not support special text such as bold, italics and dashes. These will be removed from the PDF going to the college. This is something we hope to improve but today, these are not supported.

4. Please submit your 'real' essay. You cannot return to edit this once it is sent to the college. It is very much like an email and we cannot retrieve it so it can be adjusted. Please, ensure everything is correct and ready to submit before moving ahead.

5. Coalition offers some great resources for completing your essay and this does not have to be done in one sitting. Feel free to start your essay and return later to finish it if needed!

6. Select a topic!

7. Start your essay!

Additional Information - Please share anything else that you feel is important for the college to know!

As with the Essay portion above, bold, italicized, or underlined text in the Additional Information section will NOT be supported in the application PDF that is sent to the college. Please try to avoid using these.

Counselor Information - Please complete this section prior to submitting the completed application. Ensure the email that you add for the counselor is correct!

Entering Counselor information DOES NOT send anything to your counselor. This only gets sent to the college. You will completed and request documents for both Counselors and/or Teachers in another part of Scoir
Remember, clicking 'next' will save your answers and the 'X' at the top right of your screen is how you return to Scoir's student portal!

Go to Next Section (Review & Submit)!

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