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For Counselors: Sending and Scheduling Emails

You can send emails either to individual recipients or in bulk directly through the Student Roster. Messages can be sent immediately or scheduled for a future date and time.

Sending Emails Individually

  1. From your roster, select the students you wish to email and click the email button to pull up the email drafting system. By default, all students will appear in your roster. If necessary, use the filter to select a specific class year or group of students
  1. In the dialog box, indicate whether you would like to include registered guardians or other members of your team.
  1. Draft and click Send to send the email. Today we do not support adding attachments to emails sent from Scoir.

Sending Emails in Bulk

To be able to email students, parents and guardians from your email address, please set up Advanced Email Integration.

Bulk Emailing Parents/Guardians

To begin, click on the Students tab in your Counselor app, then select Parents.

By default, all parents/guardians will appear in your roster. If necessary, use the filter to select a specific class year or group of parents/guardians. Select the parents you'd like to email and click on Email.

The Create an Email box will appear, showing an estimated # of recipients. Draft your messages as you usually do your emails.

You can copy other counselors on your message by entering their names in the Copy other counselors on this message box.

Bulk Emailing Your Students

To begin, click on the Students tab in your Counselor app, then select Roster.

By default, all students will appear in your roster. If necessary, use the filter to select a specific class year or group of students. Select recipients and click on Email.

The Create an Email box will appear, showing an estimated # of recipients. Draft your messages as you usually do your emails.

If you wish to also send your message to the registered parents/guardians of your students or other counselors, check the boxes.

Scheduling Emails

Emails can also be scheduled to be sent at a future date and time.

  1. Select the students you wish to message, click Email, and then click Schedule for Later.
  2. Choose when you would like the email to be sent and choose if you wish to set a reminder and the time for the reminder.

Notes on Emails

  • Depending on your school's current email integration emails may come from automated at Scoir or directly from your email
  • Regardless of the above, if a student replies to the email, it will be sent back to your email inbox
  • Past or currently scheduled emails can be viewed via the Email Center

How did we do?

For Counselors: The Email Center

For Counselors: Emailing users using the advanced email integration
