For Parents/ Guardians: Viewing your Student’s Profile

Your Student’s Profile hosts all of their personal information on Scoir including personal details, academic information and test scores, activities and achievements, college preferences, and their student drive.

Please note that the parent view of the Student Profile is read-only and cannot be edited by a parent. If you spot any inaccuracies or would like to update your student’s information, please notify the student or their counselor.

This article contains the following sections:

Student Profile Overview

In case you have more than one student associated with your profile, ensure you are looking up the correct one from the drop-down menu on top of your page.

Student profiles are broken into sections that can be quickly accessed via the left-side navigation beneath the student’s name.

Personal Details

The Personal Details section displays personal information, contact information, parent details, and application IDs.

Academic Overview

The Academic Overview section displays high school and test score information.


Activities & Achievements

The Activities & Achievements section displays a student’s extracurricular details including work experience, athletics, community service, and clubs and activities.


Career Profile

The Career Profile displays the status of a student’s YouScience career assessment and their saved careers, which are meant to guide a student towards an academic focus or major.

For more information about YouScience, check out their parent overview.


College Preferences

College Preferences are a student’s saved and ranked college facets that drive a custom college search.


My Drive

The Student Drive section hosts a student’s files and links that have been added by either themselves, their counselor, or their parents. To learn how to add items to a student’s drive, check out our guide.


profile, overview, info

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